Comment 88585

By AlHuizenga (registered) | Posted May 10, 2013 at 08:12:39 in reply to Comment 88573

To be clear, I'm not just objecting to your mis-characterization of tactical urbanism as mischief. I call bull on pretty much everything you've added to this conversation. Your purse- lipped disapproval of activism, the way you try to claim some kind of baloney middle ground that obviously makes you feel serious and adult, is not only aggravating - it's a big recipe for nothing.

The idea is to make small, positive, inspirational changes to our common urban environment as a way to influence an apathetic community and a hostile city government. Your response to that idea is to admonish its proponents for not playing by the rules. How do you explain that response? Either:

  1. You've been unconsciously co-opted. You're so worn down by the obstinacy and contempt of the status quo that you've allowed it to undermine your sense of the possible. In which case, my sympathies. Take a break, get your head on straight, and then get back into the game.

  2. You actually don't care. You cluck about how rude the city is, and express some surface sympathy for the cause. But only because it gives you an opportunity to chastise and admonish fellow travellers for getting over-excited and misbehaving. In which case, you know, bugger off.

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