Comment 88431

By Wondering (anonymous) | Posted May 08, 2013 at 13:20:12

It is a question of sustainability for the long term

Last year the total compensation for a Police Services staff was $123,300. The average officer retires at age 53 with a $59,000 pension(lifetime deferred income).

All of this is paid for by taxpayers who have seen their average income in the city go from $40,700 in 2002 to $41,900 last year. They are the ones paying the current income and the lifetime deferred income for city employees.

Crimes rates and severity have fallen greatly over the same period of time as an aging population commits less crimes.

One recent thought is towards privatizing certain parts of policing.

Do we want solutions or continue the militarization of our society by Harperites who love to drive up the cost of policing?

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