Comment 88410

By -Hammer- (registered) | Posted May 07, 2013 at 17:26:48

If you beat the war drum long enough, it gradually becomes background noise. This is the case on both the pro and anti LRT crowd. The important part is council has said they are behind a B line LRT, so long as the province covers 100% of the startup costs. It's the right posistion to take, it's the more cost efficient posistion to take and we can only wait upon our elected officials and thier painful bureaucracy to make the choice at this point.

They and the news have also made a public spectacle of the mayor for trying to undermine that posistion, so I'm not really sure what more you can really expect, given that the spec has published numerous pro LRT articles, many from this very website, and I'm to understand has published pro-LRT letters in the past.

Comment edited by -Hammer- on 2013-05-07 17:39:29

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