Comment 88172

By ScreamingViking (registered) | Posted April 24, 2013 at 22:17:47 in reply to Comment 88168

I found it a bit odd that Mississauga scores so high - it does have very walkable areas just like many cities, and there are paved trails in many subdivisions, but it made me wonder how WalkScore develops their metric.

Details about their ranking methodology and algorithm:

While they use municipal boundaries, it appears they do try to take neighbourhood density into account. But because the algorithm measures rural locations and their distance to amenities, it must bring down results for cities whose boundaries encompass large rural areas (like Windsor, Kingston, and Hamilton). This is evident by looking at the "heat map" for each city, e.g. -

I wonder how the scores would look if they just focused on the urban areas?

I'm not saying Hamilton is that walkable, but rankings like this need to be taken in context.

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