Comment 88112

By Binbrookian (anonymous) | Posted April 23, 2013 at 01:21:21 in reply to Comment 88108

In this instance no, I don't believe it's a double standard. It's taken the City an incredibly long time to address this issue that has been apparent since the development along Rymal which started in 2005. They're proactive in that thankfully the City is planning on doing something before someone gets hit by a car. The construction of the new high school at the top of Upper Mount Albion will only greatly increase this chance had the road remain opened. This is the natural corridor for the students to take to get to the Heritage Greene Shopping centre.

This specific area (Upper Mount Albion) is incredibly dangerous and not pedestrian/bicycle friendly. There are no sidewalks and the gravel shoulders are not standard width. There are severe grade changes so you have to be mindful of oncoming traffic in your lane trying to avoid a pedestrian brave enough to walk along the road.

Closing off Upper Mount Albion and diverting traffic is long overdue and I'm glad the City is addressing the issue. It will add a few more seconds to my commute which I'll gladly do.

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