Comment 87852

By -Hammer- (registered) | Posted April 14, 2013 at 02:47:52 in reply to Comment 87837

I agree here, although don't agree with the concept. The escarpment by definition is a steep slope/cliff. Even if you had a paved, enclosed lane running the length of the Clairmont or the Jolley Cut, of which you could make a much better case for given both are two of our more generous accesses as far as incline, and have several lanes to convert, they are both still a gruelling rides on a bike.

This is why the Clairmont access was used when we hosted the cycling championships, because long steep slope is challenging even for pros to traverse. Beckett Dr. is nearly twice as steep with a third of the width use, has blind turns/twists and shifts angles quite a bit. It's even hazardous to vehicles, and I do hope this work involves levelling/straightening the road somewhat.

If you want to get up the mountain on a bike, either go up the Chedoke Radial Trail, the Rail Trail from the Mohawk Sports Park to Corktown Park, go up one of the many stairs with bike channels we have in the city or pay $2.55 and take any of the MANY bus routes that traverse the mountain and put your bike in the bike rack that all HSR buses are equipped with and support/increase ridership in public transit.

Comment edited by -Hammer- on 2013-04-14 02:56:54

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