Comment 87788

By jason (registered) | Posted April 10, 2013 at 01:27:47

Did anyone else pick up this gem of a quote from Gary Moore of the city:

"like water running down a hill, traffic will flow to the most expeditious routes".

So, completely closing a street will lead to traffic figuring it out, but when we ask for complete two-way streets and also remind our 'planners' that traffic will find the most expeditious route, they argue and fight the entire thing and call it flawed logic.

The addiction to high speed roads and roadwork in this city is unbelievable.
Giving motorists the ease and simplicity of navigating two-way streets all through the city is considered blasphemy, but closing a street completely for the holy grail of more road construction, don't you dare question them.

I wish they were so dismissive of concerns and easy to work with when it comes to balancing our insane, life-sucking road network.

Comment edited by jason on 2013-04-10 01:28:30

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