Comment 87779

By Keith (anonymous) | Posted April 09, 2013 at 23:20:36 in reply to Comment 87757

The comparisons you're making aren't apples-to-apples in terms of local funding. In the case of Winnipeg and Victoria, their province cover about half of the operating expenses (50% in Manitoba and 47% in BC). I'm under the impression Quebec has a similar arrangement but can't find any references to that fact.

Based on this, the per capita funding contribution by the respective municipalities would be:
Hamilton: $150.00
Winnipeg: $105.00
Victoria: $135.15

A very different picture which would indicate Hamilton is "progressive" in-terms of supporting transit from the local property tax but lacks support from the province. If HSR was getting the same deal, it'd be top of the list here. A better comparison would be between comparable Ontario transit agencies who face the same lack of provincial support (Waterloo Region, London, Mississauga, Brampton, York Region, etc.).

It's also unclear what 'Gross Expenditures' is encapsulating (i.e. whether only operating costs or also capital, increased maintenance costs from Winnipeg's new transitway, etc.)

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