Comment 87778

By Neary (anonymous) | Posted April 09, 2013 at 22:56:51 in reply to Comment 87774

Two-way conversion of York/Wilson wasn't useless in principle, although the implementation was very poor.

As a Beasley resident, I am very happy with the improved connectivity of the street grid in my neighbourhood. Wilson - York - Swiss Chalet parking lot - Napier is now by far the best westbound bike route through Beasley and Central. Being able to drive westbound on Wilson also makes it easier to reach my house on Mary when I'm coming from the east end. (Since Mary is one way northbound, I used to have to overshoot Mary, take Catherine to Wilson, and then make two left turns to get back to Mary. Now I just take Ferguson down to Wilson and make two right turns.)

There is hardly any congestion in the eastbound lanes, so the switch to two-way traffic doesn't seem to have hindered motorists very much. I certainly don't notice any change when I drive eastbound on Wilson.

The big problems with this conversion are (1) Wilson doesn't need two westbound lanes east of John, and (2) the single westbound lane on York doesn't connect to anything. (It basically forces you to take Bay north to Cannon). The city should turn the second westbound lane into paired bike lanes (or widen the sidewalks), and convert Bay St to two-way traffic. That would actually turn Wilson - Bay - King into a useful westbound route, an alternative to Cannon - Queen - King and the James/King intersection.

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