Comment 87766

By kevlahan (registered) | Posted April 09, 2013 at 17:43:05 in reply to Comment 87764

Thanks for the link the GIC report. I based my opinion on what was we were told at the RTCAC two years ago, it seems that things have changed since.

I'm not sure how to interpret that GIC report: when I was on the RTCAC the assumption the routes would be reconfigured to better feed into LRT. The implication was that the buses would be redeployed.

Now it seems that they are suggesting 18 buses would be removed from service, but this assumes no improvement on other routes.

I think the idea was to show that LRT could lead to cost reductions, but the other option would be to redeploy the buses to improve service elsewhere. I don't think this option is off the table.

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