Comment 87757

By kevlahan (registered) | Posted April 09, 2013 at 14:37:53 in reply to Comment 87746

Actually, the idea would be that LRT would allow routes to be reconfigured and buses to be re-deployed, since much of routes 1, 5, 51, 10 would be redundant.

The problem is that the detailed planning can't really be done until LRT is decided.

I would guess that much of the 40 000 population not served is not in true rural areas, but in new subdivisions in Ancaster, Glanbrook, Stoney Creek and Waterdown. Part of the problem is likely that the "new" parts of Hamilton have never really been properly integrated into the HSR network. But the fundamental problem is that Hamilton's system has never recovered from savage cuts in the 80s and 90s and has been in survival (not expansion) mode ever since.

Here's another way of crunching the numbers, gross dollars spent on transit per capita of serviced population (which already favours Hamilton since we don't serve such a large portion of our population):

Hamilton: $150 Quebec: $321 Victoria: $255 Winnipeg: $210

Anyway you cut it, Hamilton is drastically under-spending on transit. Per capita, we are spending 1/3 less than the next lowest (Winnipeg) and less than half as much as Quebec! No wonder the service is bad and transit growth is feeble.

But we are leaders in spending on roads and infrastructure for motorists...

Comment edited by kevlahan on 2013-04-09 15:53:12

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