Comment 87570

By Mal (anonymous) | Posted March 29, 2013 at 14:34:08 in reply to Comment 87559

FWIW, nowhere have I argued that the crosswalks, dedicated bike lanes, or other walkability enhancements should be denied to residents of Ward 2 (or any other Ward, for that matter. Simply pointing out that development patterns might play a role in decision making.

That neighbourhood associations should have to push for neighbourhood-level improvements such as crosswalks is unfortunate but not astonishing. It's too bad that the former Ward 2 councillor was unable to address this matter effectively but at least it's done now.

I'm sure there are many less fortunate neighbourhoods who have been waiting for decades, not years, and who see a four-year process from wish to fulfilment as something that only well-off neighbourhoods like Kirkendall South are privileged to enjoy.

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