Comment 87546

By kevlahan (registered) | Posted March 28, 2013 at 19:37:44

Hunter in front of Central school: a freeway style 3-lane one-way street with the south lane almost always empty, at least during the morning rush hour. The road is in fact empty for most of the day outside of rush hours, and even then is very lightly used, leading to waves of high speed traffic.

You can see how wide the lanes are in the second picture: plenty of room for a wider sidewalk and a buffer strip!

Note that Hunter is the shortest route between Central School and the YWCA daycare which takes care of many JK and K children at Central. There is no sidewalk on the south side between Park and James and the city has removed the crosswalks at Park and the McNab underpass which makes crossing dangerous and eliminates the benefit of the underpass for pedestrians.

In addition, there are no school zones marked on any of the roads adjacent to Central, although there is a completely ignored 40km/h sign just west of the YWCA.

Comment edited by kevlahan on 2013-03-28 20:12:01

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