Comment 87471

By Scrap (anonymous) | Posted March 23, 2013 at 02:26:37

Hi Greg

Thanks for your feedback onmy post. Ii do not disparage those trying to get an education, in our ever greater society that pushes a corporate agenda, that is taught at a post secondary level. I have issue with those who lack the courage to speak the truth.

G oven certain events, one can see what is being taught, short term solutions, that do nothing, such as gatnering items, such as diapers and wipes for young mothers, yet no real discussion of the system, that traps these young mothers into dire poverty and being harassed and policed by inept children,said workers.

why isn't, noonewantstoreallydiacussthepure capitalist system, that pushes privatization of social services?

FDoesnotheravages of the cold, capitalist system, that has pushed peoplei to survival mode

academia is one thing,it is not reality, thus students, in my view are being brainwashed into believing it is individuals that cause their problems, with no focus on the system that has caused it

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