Comment 87456

By HumanityWakeUpAndLove (anonymous) | Posted March 22, 2013 at 04:04:03

This is so disturbing I don't know where to begin...

@ livingindubai: Wake up. Take off your blinders. See that we are all the same - one human race. Think of the golden rule - treat others as you would wish to be treated. Ask yourself honestly if you would like to endure the slave-culture perpetuated in Dubai. If you could live on those wages, or in those conditions. Would you subject your mother, your sibling, your child to it? So what makes it okay for other human beings? You are delusional and as it sounds like many Western expats in Dubai, you are only seeing what you choose to see. What your ego protects you from, like a child. Well god-forbid you would ever experience what some of these children trapped in Dubai are forced to - or the children growing up without mothers and fathers somewhere else because their poor unwitting parents have come to find a better way to support their families, and remain indefinitely imprisoned - without any way out until the employer says so. You paint the picture like they will get a limo to the airport with bonus pay once they simply decide to go... Purposely ignoring the evil imprisonment, enslavement, and torture of other human beings - so that you can be more comfortably raking in your own profits - makes you complicit in these acts. Believe me - the money you have made will never be worth the price of your soul - or the depth of haunting guilt you will feel for the rest of your life once those last bastions of denial have given way to the awareness that will someday (if it hasn't already) come crashing down...

Same goes for other greedy, selfish Western expats... @ Another Dubai Resident: This applies to you too. Though you seem like you have more compassion and consciousness for what you can admit - you still say you "hope it isn't so" when you know damn well that it is. Wake up. And stop believing for a second that you or your family are better than these exploited people. Your life is not worth more. Find another playground.

@ Perfectzo: Thank you for speaking my mind - the US model is not the answer either people! The imperialist New World Order regime called the US has been also been built on torture and slavery. Though, one correction - it is NOT in the past. It has not ended here either. 25% of the world's imprisoned population is currently imprisoned in the US - and the Us is only 5% of the world's population. They keep building prisons - most of which are privatized businesses - yes, that's right. And they employ SLAVE LABOR to this very day by paying prisoners less than .50 cents an hour to make clothing, assemble missiles, etc. Google it now! And many of the major US corporations exploit this labor instead of hiring more unemployed Americans - i.e Walmart, JC Penney, Kmart, AT&T, Bank of America (corporate banks are all evil anyway - join a credit union), Victoria's Secret (well it ain't no secret anymore!)... The list goes on and on... Boycott THEM!

And it is institutionalized racism in action. Most of these prisons are full of men of color, many of which are in for minor infractions - like marijuana possession, and end up becoming slaves for US corporations. There are actually more black men enslaved in US prisons today than there were slaves in 1850. So it is not in the past...

And the US still employs slaves to fuel its lifestyle at every level - sweatshop clothes from all over the world, slave farm labor to grow our produce (check out CIW and slave farming conditions in Florida), sex trafficking all over the country including US citizens, and a mind-controlled entertainment industry along with a mind-controlled populace that stays addicted to it. The average American is a slave to consumerism and the pharmaceutical industry. "Progress" is achieved at what cost? Do we know what it really takes to fuel our own industrialized lives? Watch The Story of Stuff if you want to know:

So, we all need to wake up, and war is not the answer... Invasion, domination, more violence. We have to love our supposed enemies who have not the consciousness to know what they are doing, and take responsibility for ourselves and our own actions. What about your life could you change to not perpetuate enslavement of other human beings anywhere on the planet? Do you know who made your clothes, who grew your food, your coffee? your chocolate, made your smart phone and other electronics? And under what conditions? Let's get off the moral high horse, open our own eyes, get educated, do what we can, and live an example.

Buy local, buy organic, and buy FAIR TRADE!

May we all wake up to the true reality that Love is All there is and may God/dess be with us all!

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