Comment 87409

By Pxtl (registered) - website | Posted March 20, 2013 at 20:56:08

The fee is $100 per day after a 2-week grace period, and $50 for the lane closure. This is respectably small. If you're having work done on a building that requires closing a lane for over two weeks, your total expenses are going deep into five figures and up. $100 per day after that isn't going to be a make-or-break thing.

But $100 per day will prevent Vranich from leaving a lane closed on King Street for multiple years.

My only problem I have is that this doesn't take into account the specific cases of the building. It's a fee that should be waived for projects that are good for the city (infill developments) and might be too small if it's a road that sees bad congestion (Aberdeen is a good example).

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