Comment 87260

By EastHamilton (anonymous) | Posted March 15, 2013 at 19:14:57

Basic welfare and disability payments seem necessary, but why things like "utility arrears payments" and moving expenses? I am genuinely asking, because many working people no longer have eye exams covered by OHIP, and many people who work can not afford regular dental care, emergency or not.

The province of Ontario is something like 250 billion dollars in debt. Why should taxpayers pay for someone's travel and transportation and moving expenses, or their hdyro bills if they don't bother paying them? I might be missing something, but these "Discretionary Benefits" are above and beyond welfare payments, aren't they? If so, why can't they be cut? Welfare is hardly generous, but there's a reason why it's enough to live off of, but not much extra.

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