Comment 87171

By Dane (registered) | Posted March 08, 2013 at 21:49:30 in reply to Comment 87142

Economic Development was provided audit financial statements

The event since its inception reports to the City's SEAT committee every year

Ferguson is not accurate, in any way. Each of his statements are false. Audited statement - yes Timeline - not sure what he means but Council has discussed this already, at a meeting that Ferguson attended where McCab spoke to the funding and the rational. It was differed twice. Vision - yes, again provided. You can't make Ferguson read information (horse to water...)

Supercrawl has gone above and beyond any other festival to consult and acquire - then provide information.

The funding situation is very messed up, which is why a new funding model for all arts and culture institutions, events and individuals is being purposed. Though it will likely be doomed to dim members of Council.

What should be done is that events should be judged on their merits and outcomes. The AirShow for example doesn't measure up to Supercrawl. Could it, for sure.

Comment edited by Dane on 2013-03-08 21:51:23

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