Comment 87086

By Sky (anonymous) | Posted March 06, 2013 at 21:46:56 in reply to Comment 87072

Sorry Ryan,

Maybe "dislike" is not the word to use...How about make referance against some of the people who chose to live somewhere other than the core? (and then say that we are somehow against downtown)

..."and particularly anyone who pays attention to civic affairs - is well-acquainted with the contempt and scorn that some residents of the upper city and suburbs routinely heap on the downtown"

..."To add insult to injury, Hamilton's low development charges ensure that the existing tax base continues to help subsidize every new suburban house that gets built."

..."there are huge financial incentives to develop the suburbs and not develop the downtown core."

Maybe I am just too sensitive these days and read wrongly between the lines of the RTH comments ~ yet it is insultive to me to read how the 'Suburbs' get it all. Conversation should be embraced (within a respectful tone, not voted off from viewing (immature and does not help with working together)because when it is, it gives the impression of Anti______ instead of difference of opinion. (Sure, keep the comment score ~ that adds a nice dimension.)

Just my two cents on trying to have us ALL work together to SUPPORT and MAKE HAMILTON the best place to live, work, play REGARDLESS of our address.

Have an amazing afternoon everyone.


PS "for entertainment purposes"...The post that has the 2010 numbers has a slight error...Ward 14 had NO VOTING~ Councillor Pasuta was not challenged (acclamation).

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