Comment 87085

By ScreamingViking (registered) | Posted March 06, 2013 at 21:38:10 in reply to Comment 87076

I think I "get" the desire to have a grand boulevard entry to the city, even if it didn't turn out so grand for the business and residential functions of the street.

But I have NEVER been held up by traffic on York. Not during a rush hour, and not during a busy Saturday shopping day.

Most of the traffic to and from downtown from the north-west and Burlington side of the bay probably uses King/Main via the 403 (which was built after York was altered? or was it before?)

But the need for that many lanes just doesn't seem to be there any more, if it ever was. So there's probably a lot of merit in your suggestion.

Comment edited by ScreamingViking on 2013-03-06 21:40:45

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