Comment 86979

By virbius (anonymous) | Posted March 01, 2013 at 15:47:31

I have lived in Ancaster most of my life. It has changed and generally people up here are less engaged with their community than I remember back when. Such is modern suburban life. When I go downtown, which is often, I see a lot of people from a wide variety of backgrounds. It is sometimes gritty and sometimes uncomfortable, but you know what? It has heart. Those characters that you see, they're what gives our city a personality. The population density and the old neighbourhoods promote the engagement that is lacking in the suburbs. People are in the street and there is a vitality there. Yes, we are still recovering from the 25,000 good paying manufacturing jobs that have disappeared since the early 90s, but i think the future looks better than it did 10 years ago. People that think they are better than the next guy because of where they live arent worth worrying about. Let them hide in their McMansions and live their lives in front of their big screens. As for me I know I where I will be... Supporting the small businesses that make this city great and enjoying the down to earth atmosphere.

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