Comment 86701

By Shempatolla (registered) - website | Posted February 24, 2013 at 20:25:05 in reply to Comment 86697

While I laud the idea of what was trying to be accomplished..... it doesn't come off well in that particular location. It's like they had a brainstorming session and decided to implement EVERYTHING without really thinking about whether it would work or not. The bike lanes literally dissect the streetcars from the passenger boarding areas. And while the streetcars have big STOP stickers on the doors when they are open, cyclists typically do not obey them. They typically hop onto the sidewalk or out into traffic (sometimes BETWEEN streetcars).

Roncessvalles was narrow to begin with. It's narrower now. It's also a very busy street during the day. Trying to negotiate an emergency vehicle down it now is a nightmare.

It was a street that really worked before. Not so much now.

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