Comment 86665

By Sigma Cub (anonymous) | Posted February 22, 2013 at 21:59:41 in reply to Comment 86664

Fresh asphalt is a good start, for sure. And that's usually what holds up these two-way conversions. The city likes to maximize synergies. That's how York Boulevard seemed to take 10 years from plan to execution.

I was just citing a range of potential costs based on similar projects to those under discussion. We can definitely do a cut-rate version. Most details are only apparent from the sidewalk.

I'm sure that we can cut corners. Shave and pave, for example, is usually cheaper alternative and eco-friendly-ish because it recycles. And it's even cheaper if you use funding from senior government. Ancaster, for example, is tackling an 850-meter stretch of Wilson at a cost of $50,000 (topped up with an additional $450,000 in federal gas tax money).

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