Comment 86607

By Jack (registered) | Posted February 21, 2013 at 16:59:34

To answer your question about what should be the vision for Hamilton - a downtown is safe - safe for men, women, and children to visit and enjoy.

Casino's and kids don't go together.

We need to have a down-town that is family friendly. If you don't have a city that promotes family life, you don't have a healthy city; in fact, to the contrary, you have a city environment that is in decline and disrepair. Down-town Hamilton is already that way, and we need not speed it up.

I encourage people to think about future generations. The only "benefit" a casino would have is for its owners, and a small few, while the rest of us will suffer the socio-economic consequences.

The OLGC is nothing less than organized crime made to seem legitimate. Its interests and operations are evil, sinful, in that it profits off of the suffering of people.

How many people can look at themselves and honestly say that they are actually better off, a better person, have met their full potential in life, because of alcohol or gambling?

Please reconsider your harmful pursuit of this so-called 'opportunity', for the sake of our children, which are our future.

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