Comment 86350

By jason (registered) | Posted February 15, 2013 at 09:40:32 in reply to Comment 86344

So, Farr is just making things up? I heard a quote from the guy that Farr quoted as saying "I had no clue about his presser and am not sure what quote of mine he used".

My comparison to the Ticats is absolutely valid. They threatened to leave town if they didn't get the stadium where they wanted. These guys are threatening to renege on a contract unless we promise to not allow someone else to develop a privately funded entertainment enterprise in our downtown.
In both cases, it's a private operator trying to hand-cuff our attempts at city-building for their own gain. Don't let your opposition to a casino and support of a WH stadium cloud the underlying principles that are being misused for personal gain in both cases.

I elect councillors and a mayor to make city-building decisions for my city. Whether they get them right or wrong, isn't the point. It's their job to make them. It's not the job of a private enterprise to try to hijack the process to benefit their own back pocket.

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