Comment 86300

By jason (registered) | Posted February 14, 2013 at 13:30:58

I'm waiting with baited breath to see if all the same people who criticized the TiCats for a "private enterprise holding a city hostage" will take the same approach here.

Will GS/Live Nation pull this stunt if someone proposes a new mega-convention centre downtown? Or what about a possible rebirth of the Tivoli with condos/retail etc....?

Even as someone who has never set foot in a casino, I would send GS/Live Nation out the door if they think they can become the latest in a long list of private enterprises in Hamilton who hold us hostage to get their way.

Although these days Hamilton is becoming the Bizarro World. Smart, educated, well-respected community leaders are actually advocating for encroaching on the Greenbelt for a casino. Really? A casino? We're going to set that precedent for Smart Centres and the homebuilders to take to the OMB? A disaster in the making if the province goes along with it.

Comment edited by jason on 2013-02-14 13:31:44

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