Comment 85945

By DanJelly (registered) | Posted February 07, 2013 at 00:29:56

If all forms of gambling were equal then we wouldn't even be talking about putting in a casino. The fact that there's such a big push from some to have one at all tells me that it has the ability to generate significantly more revenue for its owners than lottery sales would. It doesn't make sense to treat them the same.

Slot machines are really what's at the heart of the current discussion. All forms of gambling can be addictive, but only slot machines allow you to sit there by yourself and gamble away a fortune in a relatively short amount of time without so much as a single word to another person during the process. They are literally engineered to exploit the human brain through false rewards, losses disguised as wins, etc. Lottery tickets are much more limited in their ability to fuel addictions. The mere fact that you have to ask another human being to purchase a lotto ticket can make a difference as it creates an opportunity to second-guess yourself before asking the cashier for ticket after ticket (yes, it still happens, but far less often).

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