Comment 85877

By Dane (registered) | Posted February 05, 2013 at 13:50:07


I and am sure many others appreciate your position. What my concern is that any action taken by yourself or other lower city councillors will be in vast contrast to your upper city peers. There seems to be a very stark line drawn, dividing this city.

My question to you is amongst the other councillors has there been a dialogue that seeks to address this situation?

Why has there been a hesitation amongst many councillors to take a vocal part in the ongoing debate?

Will you ask Mr Mercanti to apologize for demeaning and diminishing the efforts of individuals who are active in civic matters, create community initiatives and invest their time and money in the downtown? Or at least make it clear that council doesn't share the view that some voices are more valuable than others.

I have to say while I have not always aligned my views with every position you have taken in the past, I encourage you to show leadership that is clear lacking at the chair position. The City is clearly missing an overall vision and as a result will continuously suffer from these types of unimaginative and nepotistic economic proposals

Dane Pedersen

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