Comment 85874

By professorzed (registered) | Posted February 05, 2013 at 13:39:36 in reply to Comment 85868

It's quite possible that PJ Mercanti was lying, isn't it?

After all, he did make that announcement at a private invite only meeting where livestreaming would not be permitted, the public wasn't allowed, and only those who showed Government identification would be permitted.

This was in response to a protest at City Hall, where over five hundred people showed up to oppose the downtown Casino by holding up 'No' signs. While the people with 'No' signs were outside, he had people with 'Yes' signs sneak in and fill the Galleys to make it appear like a balanced argument. He was also handing out 'Yes' signs, telling some people that this was to support the racetrack in Flamborough, which the Casino would close down.

In the Spectator, he was being quoted as saying about his opponents

“Who are these people? What is their background? What have they done?” he said. “They get almost all the same weight as the people who really count. It shocks me.”

So who are the people that 'really count'?

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