Comment 85871

By Citizen Cane (anonymous) | Posted February 05, 2013 at 13:29:25

PJ also said they'd "partnered" with Mission services to help with any troubles associated with problem gambling... Mission services said "Who?"

They said the average salary of a casino attendee is over "$90,000" where on earth did they get this stat?

They said the jobs would be living wage, but a quick look for available positions on OLG's website shows $11.50 - $15 an hour are pretty much the norm.

With OLG not controlling any part of the development outside the casino you can expect many no benefit, part time work, all with horrible split shifts.

Casino expects to take over $200,000,000 before it pays out it's percentages to the city... about 3% and I think I heard another 25% was going to the hard rock group.

That's $200,000,000 leaving the city for Ottawa and Florida.

I honestly think it'd be better spent here.

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