Comment 85831

By bikehounds (anonymous) | Posted February 04, 2013 at 18:48:21 in reply to Comment 85798

Here's a question - what does the "con" side have to gain by stopping a casino? What does the "pro" side have to gain if one is built?

Who is more likely to spin things?

All of my "con" arguments are based on research and facts, with a motivation of wanting a successful core in the city I love. I haven't "spun" anything. I've researched and stated the benefits of casinos (there are a few - financial mainly - if the casino is done right and put in the right place. But Hamilton is not the right place, and this is not the right time).

If we become a great city which attracts tourists on its own merits, then we MIGHT consider a casino on an economic case. But even then, there are social costs that are difficult to calculate.

The bottom line is that a casino is a HUGE risk with best-case-scenario returns that are paltry. It's simply not worth the gamble.

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