Comment 85826

By steelcityson (anonymous) | Posted February 04, 2013 at 17:06:53

I'd also argue, or at least put it out as food for thought, that a casino managed and regulated by the province, actually decreases the overall problems associated with the casino. Its well known that any activity that is not available or banned by a government doesn't make it go away, it simply creates a black market. Prime examples are prohibition of the 1920s, the excessive cigarette prices of the early 1990s or the most appropriate example being the police bust in Markham this weekend of the illegal gambling that was taking place at a banquet hall. Gambling, and all the problems associated with it, exist regardless of weather or not it is allowed. There are two main differences. First, the drugs, crime, murder and exploitation of women in the world of underground gambling are 10 times worse then those at a government run casino. The mob doesn't set up 'programs' to help problem gamblers that cant pay their bill. Secondly, there are no facts, figures or numbers reported for illegal gambling...obviously. If there were, the numbers reported by the OLG would pale in comparison.

The overall lesson that has been learned time and again is that its better to allow the precevied 'evil' of what ever, so that it can at least be regulated, controlled and monies directed into programs to combat said precevied evil. Thats why prohibition was lifted, thats why the price on cigarettes came back down to normal levels and that's why a casino in Hamilton would likely do less damage then the underground gambling that goes that we simply do not hear about. W

When you allow an activity, you kill the underground/ black market.

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