Comment 85754

By LOL all over again (anonymous) | Posted February 02, 2013 at 08:34:34 in reply to Comment 85730

How is this for facts? Detroit a city of several millions planned a LRT line of 15 km. After the funding from the state fell through the powers that be funded a 5 km streetcar line. This with a substantial input of private money. LRT is very very expensive. If a city of Detroit and a state like Michigan cannot afford LRT then what in the world makes you think Hamilton can?

If private investors want LRT in Hamilton then let's see them put up some money now. Or at least put up some kind of formal commitment, a guarantee with financial penalties if they fail to live up to their commitments afterwards. Any kind of poll of any business would of course get very high pro LRT numbers, who in their right mind would show negativity against anything that might, just might, maybe, on a good day have a positive influx on their business.

LRT isn't bad it is just hugely expensive and we cannot afford it. We cannot afford and we cannot afford to run it. The day to day costs are fine but what happens in 20 years when major overhauls are needed on the rails? What happens when the rolling stock needs to be replaced? Can Hamilton even afford to the repairs to the rolling stock?

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