Comment 85690

By DowntownInHamilton (registered) | Posted January 31, 2013 at 06:11:54 in reply to Comment 85678

Yeah, democracy sucks, right? Democracies, such as the one we live in and every single person within our great country should be willing to stand up for, is excellent.

Seeing as a true democracy is governance by the people, why should they (being US) have a say in how we run our city?

Referendums are something we should have more of. It gets the citizenry engaged in what their government is doing, and puts a finger to the pulse of what the people want. Right now we have a mayor who was elected on a platform of nothing, and doesn't really stand for anything. So it's not so much about our mayor as it is about getting what the citizens want.

Remember the old addage? You get the government you deserve. So if Hamilton's citizens don't agree with you, get out there and educate them. Have a public campaign. Get your name and agenda on the news. But I see it's much easier and safer to do it from a blog.

Stop trolling.

Comment edited by DowntownInHamilton on 2013-01-31 06:29:00

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