Comment 85663

By SCRAP (anonymous) | Posted January 29, 2013 at 08:20:19

I knew that this person got shot but I do not know anything about her, so it was interesting to hear a little about her background.

I do not undersstand the hatred down in the US, it is beyond my scope of understanding. People are basically the same, we love the same, we hurt the same, we struggle the same.

Howver, in recent days with the growth of Idle No MOre, I have read some pretty horrible commnets form fellow Canadians about our aboriginal brohters and sisters. It is haunting, in a sense to know that exists. It is like some people have their own "Movie" version of history, that has nothing to do with reality.

I do not like the workers are exploited, unorganized workers have very little protection but foreign workers have even less. Collectively, we must stop that.

Human rights should be the number one law, above all others. The US spends the majority of their money on war, they are not the model that the world should follow. I hope that one day, this will change.

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