Comment 85479

By SCRAP (anonymous) | Posted January 24, 2013 at 10:54:07

The taxpayers paid for this school, back in the day, so does it not belong to the people? I think in recent days, people are starting to see that, we the people, are not seen as important, thus we are left out of the decision making process.

Maybe people are in a fog, with the term democracy, as they think, we go thru an elction process and those people are suppose to represent us, in a fair way. But I heard something last night, that brought a clearer picture in my mind.

Whether it is a town, city, province or even a country, they all operate as a corporation, thus the elected officals are CEO types, one could say.

Sure there needs to be change, however that change must come from the people and they have to engaged, the majority of people are not. So how do we get them interested in issues that affect them?

As we keep pulling back the curtain and get peeks inside, we are all upset about the happenings that go on behind the scenes. Maybe on solution is that whomever is running, whatever party, person, entity, that corporate dollars must be taken out of the equation.

Those are my thoughts. For this school, maybe we have to be like Rachael Corrie, a brave soul who stood in definace of the system in an effort to save people's homes.

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