Comment 85428

By track record (anonymous) | Posted January 23, 2013 at 11:33:38 in reply to Comment 85427

He may have fooled a few people into thinking he's a restorer but his track record speaks for itself. He has renovated some historic buildings but they were not actual historical restorations. He has also taken a bunch down. That gravel lot next to the pigott building being a prime example - the one which resulted in a bylaw colloquially named after him.

It's simple: we should not tolerate demolition of ANYTHING without a secure plan for rebuilding - and a plan that would create a greater asset to the city than what it replaced.

We have the tools to do this - we just need to use them.

If council voted on an intent to designate, the demolition permits would be automatically voided.

Council should be using this as a tool to negotiate with developers. If they issued this intent, blanchard would either be forced to come up with a real plan that is faithful to the history of the area, or he would have to sell it to someone who does have a plan (of which there are many in this city).

He has no plan. God, look at the rendering! Was it created by a grade nine student who forgot his ruler at home?

It's time to play hardball with these speculators. There is no way that ruling with a fist can make things worse than they already are with these guys.

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