Comment 85022

By Mahesh_P_Butani (registered) - website | Posted January 09, 2013 at 21:34:16 in reply to Comment 85018

I don't think -that statement- puts blame on specific groups at all. In fact this is the first time that anyone has had the honesty to make an observation of the true conditions that exist in this city - and is in fact trying to bring out the voice of those who have been marginalized in Hamilton.

There is nothing 'racist' or classist in this statement. And I can challenge any professor/major in English language from Hamilton to disprove me on this.

I constantly see the Aboriginal, newcomer, low-income families and individuals being marginalized in the most sickening manner possible in any civilized society, right here in Hamilton.

And we the educated condone it, or support it by claiming offense at the words of those very people who raise such honest issues.

Worse, we invert the closet racism that blatantly exists in this city across generational lines, and accuse those who are trying to reform this twisted behaviour which has made our city famous for it, across Canada.

"Be inclusive" is a phrase that a politician or bureaucrat would use with a flourish!! It has no meaning. It has no power to change behaviour.

Naming all the people/groups who are marginalized in a survey is a far more honest way to bring change.

I have watched this city closely for 17 long years -- its lies, and deceptions, its defensive behaviors across generational lines. It is plain sad to see that this is why the two "ERRANT" councillors who did not have the gonads to respond to real issues as they are on a holiday - wake up and make an issue of this.

In my direct experience, Joey Coleman has personally shown me that he is equally capable of making fundamental mistakes and causing travesties.

In defense of this company, at least they had the courage to apologize, however it may have sounded to some.

I have yet to see people like Joey, Whitehead and Merulla apologize for their wrongs.

Mahesh P. Butani

Comment edited by Mahesh_P_Butani on 2013-01-09 21:49:19

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