Comment 84935

By Myrcurial (registered) - website | Posted January 09, 2013 at 10:10:15

One of those things that needs to be said... since someone is going to latch onto this and make a mistaken point.

Yes, I'm a consultant.

I'm not that kind of consultant.

I'm the kind of consultant who does the maximum for the client respecting the resources as if they were my own. There are lots of consultants like me and unfortunately, there are a small number of consultants who give a bad name to all of the rest of us.

Joey Coleman has been advocating "no more consultants" and I'm with him - because I know he's talking about the kind of consultant that takes the money and runs.

Doing what I do, seeing myself as a professional, I'm willing to offer pro bono information security consulting for the city to ensure that they've got the right kinds of protections for the information handled by the internet facing assets identified as part of C2-09-12.

Let's get this stuff done right, using citizens who are willing to do work for their city, and turn the mega-buck consulting contracts into sustainable employment for people to do the work ongoing.

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