Comment 84780

By seancb (registered) - website | Posted January 07, 2013 at 16:43:41

Here is the text of the survey:

2013 Downtown Hamilton BIA Survey on a Casino in Downtown Hamilton

1. Are you a business owner/manager or property owner in the Downtown Hamilton BIA or both:

  • Business Owner/Manager
  • Property Owner
  • Both
  • Neither (If you are not a business or property owner within the Downtown Hamilton BIA you do not need to proceed further with this survey)

2. How would you describe your position on the City of Hamilton’s proposal to support a possible location of a gaming facility in Downtown Hamilton. Are you:

  • Strongly in favour
  • Somewhat in favour
  • Neutral/don't have an opinion
  • Somewhat opposed
  • Strongly Opposed

3. If you are in support of the establishment of a gaming facility in Downtown Hamilton what are your top 2 reasons (check your top 2)

  • A gaming facility may bring more tourists to Downtown Hamilton
  • Residents who wish to go to a gaming facility won’t have to go out of town for this type of entertainment
  • A gaming facility would be a source of new revenue and taxes to help pay for City services and new projects
  • A gaming facility would create employment opportunities for local residents downtown
  • A gaming facility may attract investors and new businesses
  • Other (please specify)

4. If you are not in support of the establishment of a gaming facility in Downtown Hamilton what are your top 2 reasons? (Check your top 2)

  • Gaming can lead to addiction and other social issues
  • There could be an increase in policing and emergency services costs as a result of social issues
  • The gaming facility could cause traffic issues
  • The gaming facility is not compatible with existing downtown businesses and may harm downtown renewal.
  • The gaming facility could reduce available capital for expenditures in other businesses downtown
  • A gaming facility in Downtown Hamilton may hurt operations at Flamborough Downs.
  • Other (please specify)

5. If a casino were to be approved for Hamilton where would you prefer it to be located?

6. If a casino were to be approved for Hamilton what type of facility would you support?

  • A stand alone building with lots of parking
  • A multi-use complex including hotel, convention, restaurants, entertainment facilities
  • Other - (please specify)

7. OLG funding formulas suggest that host communities will receive 2 - 5 % of the revenues. Based on other zone experiences, this could translate into millions of dollars of investment and support for Hamilton. If a casino is supported by City Council what priorities do you recommend they allocate these funds towards?

8. If a gaming facility is approved by the City of Hamilton and the OLG, would you want a separate board established to monitor the facility

  • Yes
  • No

9. If a separate board is established to monitor the facility, would you volunteer to be a Board Member

  • Yes
  • No
  • Maybe, with more information

10. About You:

The personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the Municipal Act. The information will be used only for the purposes of collecting feedback. It will be used in accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Questions about this collection can be directed to the Executive Director, Downtown Hamilton BIA, 20 Hughson St. S. Suite 807 Hamilton L8N 2A1 or by telephone at 905-523-1646.

  • Name:
  • Business Name
  • Downtown Property Address
  • Postal Code:
  • Email Address:
  • Phone Number:

Comment edited by seancb on 2013-01-07 16:49:54

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