Comment 84625

By Rob Hamilton (anonymous) | Posted January 02, 2013 at 08:36:45

In reference to the threat of demolition of Victoria Hall in 1995, Phyllis Lambert, OC, OAL, FRAIC, Director, Canadian Centre for Architecture wrote the following in a letter to Mayor Robert Morrow, dated August 16th, 1995.

..." It is ironic that we admire the cities of Europe: London, Paris, Rome, Florence, Prague. Italy has kept its cities intact, as have Germany, Switzerland and practically all cities with a distinguished architecture have preserved large sections of the city from the incursion of new buildings: these have been built in totally new areas.

Experience throughout the world, has shown the long range importance of coherent historical areas, to the economics of the city and region, and their importance to the pride of citizens in their city. In a world fraught with violence and alienation, places with the integrity of King Street are needed and respected more and more.

Such civil places are essential to the definition of Hamilton, Ontario and Canada. Not only should Victoria Hall be maintained for its architectural and urban qualities, but all the buildings on that extraordinary King Street. . ."

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