Comment 84431

By Undustrial (registered) - website | Posted December 26, 2012 at 12:11:56

I knew people in the upper floors of those buildings years ago, it was a beautiful space and contributed a lot to the community around it. When they left, "Blanchard" was their explanation. This has been in the works for years. Oh, and by the way, in their new space, they just had their "crumbling basement" fixed without a hundredth of Blanchard's budget.

Paying for regular maintenance is part of buying and owning a building. If you can't be bothered to monitor these issues or manage to fix them in a timely manner, you cannot afford to own the building. Nothing lasts forever, especially without timely maintenance. Don't tell me one of the City's biggest developers/owners didn't understand this or couldn't afford it.

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