Comment 84319

By Gary Santucci (anonymous) | Posted December 21, 2012 at 12:29:24

It would seem that the efforts to save Sanford Avenue School were well underway prior to the demolition permit request. The process appears to have been sabotaged by incompetence, negligence or worse. I was present at the meeting of The Heritage committee and heard all of this first hand. Joey Coleman's video captured it all as well and is well worth the time to watch all of it to see the sorry process explained. Our thanks to Brian McHattie for standing up for our built heritage as the Ward 3 Councillor was no where to be found, not then, not now. I withdrew my request to have the Pearl Company Heritage Recognition Award re-instated. A nomination or an award from a City Government whose track record on Heritage protection is so dismal, leaves me of the opinion that I would prefer to stand amidst the rubble rather than accept either. Thanks again to RTH for bringing our issues to the public.

Gary Santucci

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