Comment 84298

By Designreviewpanel (anonymous) | Posted December 21, 2012 at 06:31:10

To address some of the comemnts:
1. Design Review Panel - why is the city so afraid of it? David Premi among other architects, planners, and engineers have been pushing it for year, but no one is taking them on. This will help create a vision and a design standard.
2. Public Consultation/Charette - ask the developer and architect to put this project out for public consultation. Let the people have input into the design. Not for just this project but all projects on main urban streets
3. Structural Integrity - before we say yes or no to tearing things down, how about looking at the structural integrity of these buildings. They may be too unsafe to restore. I believe the developer would have made his decision to demolish or adaptive reuse since he is known for both types of work.

We may not be able to fight this but, we can work with them to ensure good design in a spot that could prove our worth to have a beautified building to replace this. Personally, I think the buildings are a hodgepodge and sore to the eye. I hope both the developer and architect put something there that will make people stand up, take notice and assist in creating a vision for this city.

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