Comment 84203

By DowntownInHamilton (registered) | Posted December 19, 2012 at 21:33:55 in reply to Comment 84148

I drive on Catharine daily. I see the parking and like I said it's 1.5 lanes wide at most. It's even narrower right at the tracks. But from there up to Charlton it's just not wide enough. It can't handle 2 lanes of traffic. There was a time about 2 months ago a guy turned the wrong way and nearly drove into me, with parked cars on either side. I had to pull back into my driveway to avoid being hit. Get rid of the parking on one side of the street and make it 2 way, that works.

Also, our building approached the city about removing 1 lane of parking since it can be a huge pain to pull onto Catharine in the winter, what with icing and poorly plowed roads and we were turned down as according to them, there is not enough street parking as it is to accomodate for the hospital.

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