Comment 84182

By seancb (registered) - website | Posted December 19, 2012 at 13:25:01 in reply to Comment 84147

To clarify, I brought up some valid concerns about how that light operates (or fails to operate) and they did not address them at all. If a member of the public has concerns that get escalated to a manager, I would expect the manager to give a real response. It was the first exchange I had with the signal department about any specific intersection.

If you think that their response is reasonable, that's OK with me.

I'm quite certain that my overall contribution here is constructive and that the occasional humourous post is in line with the way the community converses.

I'm sorry if my jokes offended you.

If others dislike it as well, they are welcome to vote my comment down and I'll consider their position before clicking "Post" the next time my funnybone is acting up.

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