Comment 84112

By seancb (registered) - website | Posted December 18, 2012 at 16:02:16 in reply to Comment 84066

I appreciate your insight regarding the need for two way conversions

When designing lane configurations, we must take into consideration the big picture rather than to focus on one movement. A street is related to other streets adjacent to it as well as those in the same network and should operate such that efficiencies are realized throughout the network for all users. Maintaining a reasonable balance is the objective. The key factors considered, when reviewing signal timing design, are described below.

  • Maximizing safety for all users.
  • Minimizing the impact on the environment (emissions of stopped vehicles).
  • Provide sufficient pedestrian crossing times.
  • Provide priority for transit vehicles.
  • Provide sufficient time for vehicles travelling straight through.
  • Provide sufficient time for vehicles making turns

While striving to accomplish the above, to meet the needs of all users, there will be some give and take. Not all streets have the same functionality, given the age of the infrastructure. Not all movements will have ideal service levels, however, there will be a reasonable balance recognizing the demands from competing interests.

I trust this helps to explain why you may be experiencing the occasional problem getting around the city unless you are in a car.


The Traffic Department

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