Comment 84086

By moylek (registered) - website | Posted December 18, 2012 at 10:28:47 in reply to Comment 84076

By the way, recent surveys have actually shown that the average cyclist is wealthier and better educated than the average driver, so the perceptions probably need to change!

I almost find myself saying "that may be true in Paris, London or Toronto ... but this is Hamilton!"

In fact, I do think that undergraduates who bike like children and the down-and-out who bike like they are outside the system are a disproportionate part of the cycling ecosystem in Hamilton. But Hamilton is hardly unique in regarding cyclists as lawless, so it's not a necessary assumption.

It appears that nothing changes the mind of the public toward cycling the way that that public infrastructure does - so that's what we need for many reasons.

But I still think that ever time I come to at least a semi-stop at a stop sign, every turn and lane change I signal, every stoplight I obey is a little step toward counteracting the stereotypes.

In the past year, I have three times had drivers roll down their windows to express their thanks or wonder at my signalling a turn - it's not a lot, I grant, but it's something.

Comment edited by moylek on 2012-12-18 10:50:47

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