Comment 83991

By birdsofafeather (anonymous) | Posted December 15, 2012 at 22:54:18

Bird flu? H1N1-style virus? etc. Surprised none have mentioned that yet ... Nothing against chickens or roosters per se, or any other tasty avian creatures, like doves, geese, ducks or quail. But raising fowl is not without certain risks & complications. There was also good reason why vicious & deadly 'cock-fighting' was banned in Hamilton not so very long ago. That said, why couldn't a co-op approach be taken? Then there will be the financial, physical & human resources to try to do it successfully. It don't really see this as a suburban-urban issue. It's really about the practicality of bird cages/yards & pens in a built-up environment and producing healthy birds for human consumption, eggs or meat. By the way, killing, plucking & cleaning a chicken is not for the faint of heart. And where, by the way, will the entrails & guts go? That beside the straw where our feathered friends poop. That stuff stinks. There's good reason why 'chicken shit' entered the lexicon ... All in all, in theory, sure, but in reality, some caution & expertise is required.

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