Comment 83187

By mikeonthemountain (registered) | Posted November 25, 2012 at 11:31:22 in reply to Comment 83143

One (ironic) thing that Hamilton does have going for it is that excess lane capacity does make it easier to share the road. There are still a few drivers who refuse to yield any lane, and want to 'teach you a lesson' like the Aberdeen driver cited in this article, but overall it is much easier for people to pass safely, and for the most part they do try to pass safely like decent civilized folk. For the psychos, sadly, complaints to the police may be the only way to get through.

When visiting family in Toronto and biking around I can feel a level of psycho that is not nearly as severe here. Downtown is better adjusted, but as soon as you are outside the core sharing arterials is crazy. So for people comfortable sharing the road, Hamilton is one of the more fortunate places. That said, I would rather see a more comfortable riding environment for people of all ages and abilities, and that would mean converting some excess lane capacity into complete streets. It only takes a few psychos on the road to make all but the brave say 'nope!'

Currently I don't video tape my bike rides with a GoPro, but I did for a while after an SUV with New York license plates deliberately accelerated into me to push me off of the Jolley Cut (before the bike lane was installed - thank you it's appreciated!).

Comment edited by mikeonthemountain on 2012-11-25 11:36:01

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